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How to Stay Safe Online?

We all know the internet is a large, expansive place, with its fair share of shady characters wanting to take advantage of unsuspecting visitors. But fear not, you don’t need to shut off your internet entirely to stay safe. Instead, consider these 10 simple tips for keeping your online experience secure and stay safe online:

1. Guard Your Personal Information:

The golden rule of internet safety – never share personal information like your full name, address, phone number, or financial details unless absolutely necessary. This is of the utmost importance to stay safe online.

2. Verify Links:

Before clicking on any link, take a moment to double-check its legitimacy. Beware of suspicious-looking URLs or unexpected email attachments.

3. Embrace Secure Public Wi-Fi:

When using public Wi-Fi, opt for networks that require a password. Avoid conducting sensitive transactions or accessing personal accounts on open networks.

4. Use VPNs:

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) can add an extra layer of security by encrypting your internet connection. Consider using one, especially when accessing sensitive data.

5. Look for “https://” Sites:

Always visit websites that start with “https://” instead of just “http://.” The “s” indicates the website is a secure connection, providing an extra shield against cyber threats.

6. Chat Wisely:

Be cautious when engaging with strangers online, whether it’s in chat rooms or on social media. Avoid sharing personal information and steer clear of unsolicited requests.

7. Switch off Bluetooth:

When not in use, turn off your device’s Bluetooth to prevent unauthorized connections and potential security breaches.

8. Arm Yourself with Antivirus Software:

Invest in reliable antivirus software and keep it up to date. Regularly scan your devices for malware to ensure your digital fortress remains impenetrable.

9. Craft Secure Passwords:

Create strong, unique passwords for all your accounts. Combine letters, numbers, and symbols, and avoid using easily guessable information like birthdays or names. Use a password manager app if they are difficult to remember and never store in a document on your computer.

10. Backup Your Data:

Regularly backup your important data to an external drive or secure cloud storage. This way, you’ll be prepared for any unexpected data loss, whether due to cyber threats or accidents.

How to Keep Kids Safe Online

With our children accessing the internet on a daily basis it’s a constant worry for parents, let’s discuss these important tips for ensuring online safety for your child:

• Keep an Open Dialogue with Your Child:

Engage in open conversations with your child about their online activities and teach them how to stay safe online. Encourage them to share their experiences, questions, and concerns, fostering a healthy digital relationship.

• Maintain Visibility of Screens at all times:

Keep screens and devices in common areas where you can easily monitor their usage. This ensures a transparent view of your child’s online interactions.

• Familiarise Yourself with Parental Controls on your devices:

Take the time to understand and utilise parental control features available on devices and apps. These tools empower you to manage and restrict content according to your family’s needs.

• Know Your Child’s Online Friends:

Be aware of your child’s online friends and acquaintances. Encouraging them to introduce you to their digital peers, just as you would with their real-world friends, it’s another important way to stay safe online.

• Promote Privacy Awareness to your kids:

Teach your child to be “share aware” by emphasising the importance of protecting personal information. Discuss the risks of oversharing and guide them on what’s safe to share online.

• Manage Your Family’s Digital Footprint:

Be proactive in controlling your family’s online presence. Regularly review and adjust privacy settings on social media profiles and other online platforms. This way, you can maintain control over what information is accessible to others.

If you are worried your internet or personal information has been accessed, the Australian Government set up the ACSC (Australian Cyber Security Centre) to assist in pinpointing a cyber scam and they offer helpful tips to cover every aspect of your online experience such as: 

  • Securing your accounts
  • Securing your devices
  • Securing your email 
  • Browsing online
  • Online shopping

Access their range of personal security guides here for more information.

So, there you have it – some straightforward ways to navigate the internet landscape safely. By following these tips and staying vigilant, you can enjoy the internet without constantly worrying your data or network is compromised. Stay secure!

If you’re looking for an internet service provider and plan that suits your household needs, reach out to our friendly team at 1300 001 958 or email to compare broadband plans today. Stay safe and scam-free in the digital world!