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What Are Internet Cookies? A Deep Dive Into Online Privacy

In the vast expanse that is the internet, one term that frequently pops up is “internet cookies.” You’ve likely encountered those pesky website banners asking for your permission to enable cookies. But what are these internet cookies, and why do they matter in your online life? In this blog we will unravel the mysteries surrounding cookies, delve into their various types, and empower you with knowledge to safeguard your online privacy effectively.

The Basics of Internet Cookies

At its core, internet cookies, also known simply as cookies, are small text files containing data fragments, such as usernames and passwords. These files identify your computer as you navigate the web. Cookies play a pivotal role in enhancing your online experience, allowing websites to remember your logins, preferences, and even shopping carts. However, they are not without their challenges; cookies can serve as a treasure trove of personal information and a potential vulnerability to your privacy.

Navigating the digital landscape while safeguarding your privacy can seem daunting. Yet, grasping the fundamentals of internet cookies can empower you to protect your online activities from unwanted attention. While most cookies are harmless, some can be exploited by cybercriminals to track your online movements without your consent.

Types of Cookies: From Magic to HTTP

Cookies have come a long way from their early days known as “magic cookies” used in computing systems. In the realm of modern internet browsing, HTTP cookies have taken center stage. These internet cookies, designed specifically for web browsers, track, personalise, and store information about your online sessions.

Website Cookies: How they work

When you visit a website, the web server sends identifying data to your browser in the form of cookies. These internet cookies contain “name-value” pairs, guiding the websites on what data to recall. Picture it as obtaining a ticket for a coat check; your data is stored on the website’s server, linked to a unique ID specific to you. When you return to the website, your browser hands back the cookie, triggering the website to assemble your activity data, seamlessly bringing you back to where you left off.

The Utility of Cookies: Enhancing Your Online Experience

Cookies serve a multitude of purposes, making your online interactions smoother and more personalised:

Session Management:

Cookies enable websites to recognise users, recalling individual login information and preferences. Whether you’re interested in sports news or politics, cookies customise your experience accordingly.


Customised advertising is a common use of cookies. By analysing your browsing behaviour, internet cookies assist in creating targeted ads tailored to your interests. They also handle language preferences, ensuring content is presented in your preferred language.


Shopping sites, in particular, leverage cookies to track viewed items, suggesting related products and retaining items in your shopping carts across different website sections. Additionally, cookies monitor performance analytics, offering insights into your page visits and duration.

From your perspective, cookies eliminate the need to log in repeatedly, rebuild your shopping cart after accidental closures, and customise your browsing experience. For website developers, this setup optimises content personalisation while reducing server storage costs.

Understanding Cookie Types: Session vs. Persistent

In the digital world, cookies come in two primary types: session cookies and persistent cookies.

Session Cookies:

These cookies are active only during your website navigation. Stored in random access memory, they are never written onto your hard drive and are automatically deleted when your session ends. Session cookies also facilitate the functioning of the browser’s “back” button.

Persistent Cookies:

Unlike their temporary counterparts, persistent cookies remain on your computer indefinitely, often with an expiration date. They serve two key purposes: authentication and tracking. Persistent cookies streamline login processes and track multiple visits to the same site, building a user profile based on browsing history.

First-Party vs. Third-Party Cookies:

Assessing the Risks Digging deeper, internet cookies can be categorised into first-party and third-party cookies, based on their origins and potential risks.

First-Party Cookies:

These cookies are directly created by the website you are visiting, making them generally safer. As long as you frequent reputable websites, your interaction with first-party cookies is usually secure.

Third-Party Cookies:

More concerning are third-party cookies, generated by websites different from the one you’re currently browsing. Typically linked to ads, these cookies allow advertisers and analytics companies to track your browsing history across various sites. However, due to evolving data protection laws, many browsers now allow users to opt out of third-party cookies. Major browsers, like Chrome, have announced plans to phase out third-party cookies entirely.

Zombie Cookies:

The Persistent, Perplexing Threat
Within the realm of third-party cookies, a particularly ominous variety exists: zombie cookies. These are persistent cookies that linger on your computer, reappearing even after deletion. Also known as “flash cookies” or “supercookies,” they are challenging to remove and can be employed by hackers to infect your system with viruses and malware. While browsers are becoming increasingly adept at blocking these threats, it’s crucial to remain vigilant.

Essential Cookies:

Unravelling the Pop-Up Dilemma When you encounter pop-ups requesting your cookie preferences, you’re dealing with essential internet cookies. These first-party session cookies are crucial for website functionality, ensuring services like remembering your login credentials function smoothly.

Managing Cookies:

Empowering Your Online Security
Now that you understand the cookie landscape, it’s essential to know how to manage them effectively:

Enabling Cookies:

Allowing cookies can enhance your browsing experience. Typically found in your browser’s settings or privacy section, enabling cookies ensures seamless navigation on websites. You can specify preferences for first-party, third-party, and essential cookies.

Disabling Cookies:

If you prefer heightened privacy, you can opt out of cookies. Unchecking the relevant boxes in your browser settings prevents cookies from storing data on your computer. While this increases privacy, it may require manual data entry on websites during subsequent visits.

Cookie Removal:

Regularly cleaning your cookies can mitigate privacy risks and reset your browser tracking. Removing standard cookies is relatively straightforward, typically found under settings, privacy, or advanced options in your browser. For persistent tracking cookies or more malicious varieties, consider premium protection services and anonymising your web use through virtual private networks (VPNs).

Navigating the Internet Cookie Maze

In the world of internet cookies, knowledge is your greatest ally. Armed with a deeper understanding of cookies, their types, and how to manage them, you can navigate the digital landscape with confidence. By staying informed, observant, and proactive, you can protect your online privacy effectively, ensuring your internet experiences remain safe and secure.

So How Does 1st Party Data Fit Into The Picture

First-party data is the data that a website or app collects directly from its own users, such as their preferences, behaviours, and interactions. This data is valuable for advertisers because it can help them understand their customers better, personalize their messages, and optimize their campaigns.

However, in a privacy-first world, third-party cookies like Google ad cookies are becoming less reliable and more restricted by browsers and regulations. This is why Google is developing new ways to support advertisers with first-party data, such as:

• Google Ads Data Manager, a tool that streamlines the management and utilization of first-party customer data for digital marketing campaigns.

• Cookie matching, a process that allows advertisers to associate cookies in their domain with cookies in Google’s domain, enabling them to join their own data with Google ad data in Ads Data Hub.

By using these solutions, advertisers can leverage their own first-party data to enhance their measurement and targeting capabilities with Google ads.

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